There's no crying in baseball
What wonderful timing for me to begin my American League East blog. I have told most of my close friends as well as mentioned in my posts that I was going to try to keep this blog focused on the entire AL East division rather than get hooked into commenting on every move the Sox make, or complaining about certain actions taken by the Boston media. As Beth mentioned in her post of December 13, 2005 (subheading "When you can take the mouse from my hand, little blogger..."), I don't want to be JASB.
Johnny Danmon now plays center field for the New York Yankees. There, I said it! Yesterday, I created an online survey at designed to poke fun at one particular co-worker who has been crushed by this development. Here are the results of that survey:
What's the worst thing about being a Red Sox fan right now?

Much of what I am hearing since the big news, though (from both Red Sox and Yankee fans), is leading me to believe that both factions are unhappy with the switch. Red Sox fans just can't believe he "turned on them." Yankees fans either feel they paid him too much or they still see him as the enemy. I would consider these reactions from both sides as deviating from the norm. Of course, there still are those on both sides reacting in more typical ways . . .
Cheryl has already bought herself a Yankee's hat. Funny, though, I seem to remember she was swearing allegiance to the OTHER New York team around this time last year!
Paul, my Yankee fan co-worker friend, has had this to say since the big move.
Ya’ll know that I can’t resist!
Merry Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Wiccan Day, Nihilist Day, Atheist Day, Agnostic Day & Felice Navidad! - The New Curse Story - The “He’s the Savior” Story
Pablo – Gloating while I can!
More damon stuff
And there’s more!
Here's my advice to fellow Sox fans for dealing with this difficult development. Up here in New England, we are prone to overreacting. Think back to February 16, 2004 when the Yankees signed Alex Rodriguez to play third base. Talk about feeling slapped in the face!!?? We hated A-Rod (STILL DO!), Commissioner Selig, Sox ownership, and even Rangers ownership. All we did in the wake of the Yankees signing Rodriguez was win the World Series. I'm wondering if I've been in a coma for 85 years, because the state of Red Sox Nation does not seem too different from what it was when we were entrenched in an 86-year World Series drought! So, let it go. Keeping Damon in center field would have been awesome. It sucks that he decided to play for someone else. And it sucks that he decided to play for the Yankees. But:
Johnny Danmon now plays center field for the New York Yankees. There, I said it! Yesterday, I created an online survey at designed to poke fun at one particular co-worker who has been crushed by this development. Here are the results of that survey:

Much of what I am hearing since the big news, though (from both Red Sox and Yankee fans), is leading me to believe that both factions are unhappy with the switch. Red Sox fans just can't believe he "turned on them." Yankees fans either feel they paid him too much or they still see him as the enemy. I would consider these reactions from both sides as deviating from the norm. Of course, there still are those on both sides reacting in more typical ways . . .
Cheryl has already bought herself a Yankee's hat. Funny, though, I seem to remember she was swearing allegiance to the OTHER New York team around this time last year!
Paul, my Yankee fan co-worker friend, has had this to say since the big move.
Ya’ll know that I can’t resist!
Merry Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Wiccan Day, Nihilist Day, Atheist Day, Agnostic Day & Felice Navidad! - The New Curse Story - The “He’s the Savior” Story
Pablo – Gloating while I can!
More damon stuff
And there’s more!
Here's my advice to fellow Sox fans for dealing with this difficult development. Up here in New England, we are prone to overreacting. Think back to February 16, 2004 when the Yankees signed Alex Rodriguez to play third base. Talk about feeling slapped in the face!!?? We hated A-Rod (STILL DO!), Commissioner Selig, Sox ownership, and even Rangers ownership. All we did in the wake of the Yankees signing Rodriguez was win the World Series. I'm wondering if I've been in a coma for 85 years, because the state of Red Sox Nation does not seem too different from what it was when we were entrenched in an 86-year World Series drought! So, let it go. Keeping Damon in center field would have been awesome. It sucks that he decided to play for someone else. And it sucks that he decided to play for the Yankees. But:
- He only did it because they offered the most bucks. (How many of you would give, say, your current employer a "hometown discount?")
- Now, the Sox know they need to find a centerfielder.
- There's no crying in baseball. Change is inevitable
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